
Ms Nickki

Mississippi singer from Memphis
Soul and Rythm'n'Blues

MS Nickki is a blueswoman born in Holly Springs (Mississippi), cradle of black American music of which she is a representative today. She sends you to the Blues planet with an impressive vocal talent and a natural charm that cannot leave you indifferent... MS Nickki sings a deep blues combining the power of gospel (a repertoire she knows particularly well) and the sweetness of soul: a musical alchemy typical of Memphis, Tennessee, this immense city with a rich musical past in which she has resided for ten years. Her major influences are singers such as Denise LaSalle, Aretha Franklin, Tina Turner, Barbara Carr and singers from Memphis such as Johnnie Taylor and Al Green. The Quintett has been touring Europe regularly for ten years and has performed on major stages such as Cahors Blues Festival, Blues sur Seine, Beautiful Swamp Blues Festival, Cameros Blues Festival (Spain). Dublin Blues Festival (Ireland), Blues Rules Festival (Switzerland) and many others. On stage, it's a shock wave that spreads! She loves to sing and share her love for the Blues and Life! She knows how to show it and take people away, it's the American school of showmanship...

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Pierre Cherbero

Claviers - Choeurs

Ms Nickki

chant lead

Florian Royo


Julien Dubois


Eric Boreave

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